Sunday, April 7, 2013

Application Security Part II: What Should App Developers Do?

[originally posted here for BlackBerry DevBlog on 2/6/13]
In my previous blog post on this topic, titled Application Security Part I: Whose Responsibility is it?”, I explored the responsibility of security in the mobile app ecosystem.  In this post, let’s take a little deeper look at the problem of security and code safety from a mobile app developer’s point of view and explore what developers need to think about and how they can avoid potential security problems in their applications.
The majority of security problems in app development are really software quality problems. There’s something wrong with the way the code was written that leaves a door open for someone to exploit.  Fortunately, many of these problems can be easily fixed.  Some of these can be fixed in the design phase of product development and others in the code phase.  We’ll explore a few examples of each type in this post.
The Objective of this Post
Now, before we jump in, I need to confess that this is a broad and deep subject.  My goal here is to present a high-level understanding of code security through discussion and a few examples that will help you understand the kinds of vulnerabilities that can lead to problems.  I will also provide references to further reading for those that really want the “Full Monty” on developing secure apps.
Code Security at Design Time
·        Design with security in mind.  This is perhaps the most important thing you can do. Think about the following questions before you design your code and have answers for all of them:

a)     What Assets does this software need to protect?  Credit Card numbers, user data, contact lists, account info, access to paid services, and privileged access to device.   To protect sensitive assets, you need to plan how you’re going to deal with the data at design time.  If you’re sending sensitive data over a computer network, you should use SSL/TLS protocol to prevent attackers from eavesdropping. Look into OpenSSL for open source libraries and code examples on how to use this protocol.  Also, for server-side storage, consider using a 3rd party database such as MySQL. These systems have their own built-in security policies that you can leverage.  Also, for secure authentication, leverage trusted services like OAuth and OpenID (See Additional Resources for more info below).

b)     How might an attacker exploit my code?  This is often called “Thread Modeling”.  Attackers might be eavesdropping on the network ports you use, or providing unexpected inputs that overflow memory buffers and inject attacker-supplied code to be executed. You have to ensure, for example, that you never execute code on behalf of an untrusted user.

2.      Follow a Secure Coding Standard - Select a secure coding standard and make sure your code conforms.  A secure coding standard will identify specific issues with a particular programming language that a compiler or analysis tool might fail to diagnose.  Secure coding standards also define requirements for producing code level security in your system.  Several popular secure coding standards are available from CERT® on their website at

3.      Perform Design Reviews.  This is a simple thing teams can do, and it can really pay off in the long run.  A few years ago, I managed a couple of engineering teams at Sun and when a new code module was planned.  The engineering lead would present the design to a team of Senior Architects with different backgrounds (JVM, networking, platform architecture, etc.).  This always uncovered potential problems –and did so early on before they became big problems that were expensive to fix.

4.      Understand Emerging Threats.  Pay attention to the type of exploits that are popular, and make sure you’re not helping the bad guys.   Designate one person on your team to stay up to date on the current security trends and put her/him in the code review. A great place to start is by visiting the CERT website frequently and becoming familiar with all the resources they offer.  In addition, all major platform and OS providers publish security updates from time to time as issues are uncovered.

5.      Use Static Analysis Tools.  Static code analysis can really help locate many kinds of software validation and reliability problems, including many memory problems. Some examples of companies that provide these products include:  Klocworkand Coverity, Parasoft, and Vericode. A more complete list can be found here: 

If you’re doing all these things, you’re actually doing pretty well.  You’ve got a solid design, you’re following a secure coding standard, you’ve got someone keeping an eye out for potential security exploits, and you’re conducting design reviews and running static analysis tools on a regular basis. You’ve got the design side covered pretty well.  Now let’s look at some specific code issues that can cause problems.  

Code Security at Development Time
Most of the following examples demonstrate some of common problems found in native C and C++ development.  Web developers and Java developers can still benefit as the concepts behind the problems are valid in many languages.  In the Additional Resources section below, I provide links to specific Web and Java resources for code security. 
1)     Application Frameworks 

Use application frameworks whenever possible.  Frameworks hide a lot of the nasty memory management and secure network connection issues from the developer and reduce the possibility of making simple, but costly, mistakes.  Fortunately, the BlackBerry platform supports a lot of great developer frameworks, both from BlackBerry (such as the Invocation and Share Framework, and the UI Framework Cascades) and through BlackBerry’s Platform Partners 
2)     Memory Management
Aside from the obvious allocation of memory insufficient for the data you’re writing into it, there’s a common issue people new to C and C++ sometimes experience regarding memory management.  The problem occurs when you confuse which action you use to release the memory you’ve allocated.
Using Cascades will reduce the likelihood of memory management problems because it hides all the messy details for you within the framework.  However, if you must allocate memory yourself for your app, keep the following tip in mind.
There are two main C functions for allocating memory: malloc() and calloc().  Use malloc() when you don’t care about initializing the data in memory.  Use calloc() if you want to initialize the memory to 0.  The important thing to remember is when using either malloc() or  calloc(), you must use the function free() to release the memory and give it back to the system. 
In contrast, when using the C++ method new() to create a new object, you must use the corresponding delete() method.  Nothing good can happen when you call free() on memory you’ve created using new().
3)     Function Safety
The QNX platform provides a number of preferred C functions that are safer to use than the more commonly known standard functions.  A subset of these is shown in the table below.  You can find the complete list in the BlackBerry Native SDK online docs (referenced in Additional Resources section below).
As with memory management, using an application framework helps with function safety as well.  For instance, the Cascades classes such as QString and QByteArray protect you from many of these problems as well.
As you’ll see in these examples, most of the serious problems occur when buffers you’re reading into or writing out to are not large enough to take the data.  These functions below help you from over-writing some of the time.  You should always perform bounds checking if you want to be on the safe side.  

Unsafe Function(s)
Preferred Function(s)
strcpy() and strncpy()
strcat() and strncat()
strlcpy() and strlcat()
The function strlcpy() copies strings and the function strlcat() concatenates strings. They're designed to be safer, more consistent, and less error-prone replacements for strncpy() and strncat().
Unlike those functions, strlcpy() and strlcat() take the full size of the buffer (not just the length) and guarantee to NUL-terminate the result (as long as the size is larger than 0 or, in the case of strlcat(), as long as there's at least one byte free in the destination string).
There also exist "wide" versions of these functions that are equally dangerous: wcscpy(), but there is no "l" safe version to use, only wcsncpy() which does not necessarily NUL-terminate the output. Care must be taken to ensure the output buffer is NUL-terminated.
sprintf() and vsprintf()
snprintf() and vsnprintf()
The snprintf() function is similar to fprintf(), except that snprintf() places the generated output (up to the specified maximum number of characters) into the character array pointed to by buf, instead of writing it to a file. The snprintf() function is similar to sprintf(), but with boundary checking. A null character is placed at the end of the generated character string.
fgets(buf, n, fp)
The fgets() function reads a string of characters from the stream specified by fp, and stores them in the array specified by buf, limited to size n.
getcwd(buffer, size)
The getcwd() function returns the name of the current working directory. buffer is a pointer to a buffer of at least size bytes where the NUL-terminated name of the current working directory will be placed. The maximum size that might be required for buffer is PATH_MAX + 1 bytes

4)     Structures
Structures in C and C++ are aggregated types that define and contain other data elements within them.  The elements of a structure cannot be re-ordered by the compiler.  Modern compilers do use a variety of methods to minimize the security risk of stack-buffer overflows such as stack canaries, address-space layout randomization, re-ordering the local variables within a function, among other things.  However, since the compiler can’t re-order the elements within your structures, the possibility of a buffer overflow on one of your elements affecting function parameters or local variables remains.  Consider the following example:

        struct _JOB {

            char name[64];
            char title[64];
            DATE startdate;
            DATE enddate;
            WAGE salary;     

        } JOB, *PJOB;

The buffers name and title can both overrun.  Since they’re placed on the stack first, the elements defined after them in the structure and on the stack itself can be affected.  For this reason, care should be given when defining the elements in a structure.  The next example shows a structure that's defensively designed:

        struct _JOB {

            DATE startdate;
            DATE enddate;
            WAGE salary; 
            char name[64];    // Buffers placed at end
            char title[64];   // of struct definition

        } JOB, *PJOB;

Recommendations for using structures
When dealing with structures that contain fixed-width buffers or arrays designed to receive data that's controlled or influenced by a user:
·        Buffers and arrays in structures should be grouped at the end of the structure
·        Local variables declared as structures should be declared after local buffers but before any other local variables
·        Global variables declared as structures should be declared before any global buffers and arrays and after any other global variables
·        Pointers to structures do not need any special consideration
·        Where practical, try to minimize the number of local variables cast as structures with buffers and arrays as elements
5)     Macros
Macros are one of my favorite mechanisms in C and C++.  I love using them; however, you have to be very careful as they can get you into trouble.  Macros are defined through the use of the #define preprocessor directive and when processed, literally expand in your source code prior to compilation.  If IDE’s could show you what the processed source code looked like (maybe some do?), then I suspect we’d see fewer problems.  Consider the following example that demonstrates the issue:
#define CUBE (x*x*x)
int x = CUBE (5-2)
In this example, you might expect that you’re going to get the cube of 3 which is 27.  However, when the preprocessor expands the macro, normal operator precedence rules apply.  So, here’s how that the value of x will be calculated: 

CUBE(5-2) = (5 – 2*5 – 2*5 – 2)

CUBE(5-2) = (5 – 10 -10 -2)

CUBE(5-2) = -17

Therefore, to protect against this problem, the macro can easily be defined using parentheses as in:

#define CUBE(x)   (x)*(x)*(x)

In this example, we’ve seen how operator precedence rules can get you into trouble with macros.  There are other problems such as the importance of white space when defining macros, using macros in if statements, and self-referencing macros to name a few.  Provided you think about how the macro will expand in your source and you consider how the arguments you pass to macros will be interpreted in that expansion, you should be fine.
6)     Integers (signed, unsigned) and Enumerations
Another common problem that can expose serious threats to your code involves integer overflow or underflow.  This can happen when care is not taken with integers.  The following code fragment demonstrates how serious this problem can be (recall our discussion about buffer sizes above):

int buffLen = 0;
printf(“[buf] %d %u\n”, buffLen, buffLen);
buffLen = -1;
printf(“[buf] %d %u\n”, bufflen, bufflen);

Executing this code gives:
[buf] 0 0
[buf] -1 4294967295

In this example, I forced the value of bufLen to be -1 for demonstration purposes.  But, it’s easy to imagine a simple arithmetic error in a length calculation to be off by one.
Similar problems arise with the use of Enumerations.  Not all compilers use the same kind of “int” for Enumerated types.  So, you need to be careful when using Enumerations.  Make sure you know how your compiler treats them.  If your compiler uses signed integers by default (such as Microsoft Visual C++ and ARMCC), it’s not possible to create an unsigned enumeration as the value will be overflow the signed int (for example, you can’t set the enumerated value to be 0xffffffff).
Though we’ve just scratched the surface of this topic, we’ve discussed a number of things developers can do to protect their code from security problems.   We’ve explored good practices developers can adopt at design time, such as:
·        Design with security in mind

·        Follow a Secure Coding Standard

·        Perform Design Reviews 

·        Understand Emerging Threats

·        Use Static Analysis Tools. 
We’ve also looked at some common coding mistakes that can lead to security problems and discussed how the code can be fixed to avoid these problems.  We’ve seen how leveraging Application Frameworks (like Cascades) can greatly reduce security problems.  As an app developer, you have a responsibility to protect your user’s identity and sensitive data as best you can from attackers seeking to exploit it.  The content in this blog post should help you get started with some good practices and links to learn more. 
For more information on application security, additional examples, and deeper analysis, please refer to the additional resources below. 

Additional Resources
·        BlackBerry Native SDK Online Docs.  Security Considerations for Native Application Development

·        QNX Online Docs, Neutrino C Library Reference

·        Chad Tetreault, Say It Aint S’OAuth,  in BlackBerry Dev Blogs

·        Software Engineering Institute | Carnegie Mellon 

·        Seacord, Robert. The CERT C Secure Coding Standard, Addison Wesley, 2008

·        Seacord, Robert. Secure Coding in C and C++, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2013.

·        Mark Dowd, John McDonald, Justin Schuh, The Art of Software Security Assessment

I’d like to thank Robert Seacord for taking the time to read an early draft of my blog and provide helpful feedback.  Robert is a senior analyst in the CERT® Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) in Pittsburgh, PA where he leads the Secure Coding Initiative and is author of a number of books on Secure Programming.  I’d also like to thank the BlackBerry Security team for their insightful comments and suggestions.

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